philanthrotaku May 28, 2011 00:09
!codec, my proverbs are meticulously researched, !goldenrod city, where bad comics burn, start button skips cutscenes, the nerd is stubborn, for a good time call 141.12, death by backstory
philanthrotaku Nov 17, 2010 16:17
!daytime, !action, !goldenrod city, !video, the nerd is stubborn, obfuscating pacifism?, can't catch a break, that's stupid and you should feel stupid, does otacon have to choke a bitch, so about that nonsense
philanthrotaku Oct 24, 2010 14:54
snugglecon, !goldenrod city, all aboard the crack ship, sexy pillow fights?, nerd is a subspecies of limpet, !evening, the nerd is stubborn